India is a socialist,secular,democratic republic drawing its life blood from the ethos of pluralism,multi-ethnicity,multi-linguism and mutual regards for each others faith & way of life.The jingoism of any sort is anathema to INDIAN HOOD. The lust of some power maniac has pushed this very premise to the brink of catastrophe. Pursuing singular agenda aimed at capturing power by any means,they have become LAW unto themselves.In a civilised democratic nation, the WRIT of RULE OF LAW must rule the roost.One is legally enjoined upon not to illegally infringe upon the rights, liberties, privileges and entitlements of others.Every inch of the land of this SOVEREIGN country vests in the source of every power-WE THE PEOPLE. The demagogy and rabble-rousing of divisive & fissiparious fringe elements can not be allowed to hold sway over the rest. Time has come for rational and right thinking people to make their presence felt and be responsive amidst coarse din & callousness of so called neo-saviour(most disgusting & abhorrable indian political class).
The MUMBAI and BIHAR is ablaze . The executive government is hit by inertia(or probably hand in gloves with perpetrators presumably for obvious reasons). The JUDICIARY- the vanguard for people's liberty and dispensation of justice seems to be complacent and oblivious of its constitutional mandate. The common man is at the receiving end. The politically and institutionally patronised hooligans are on the rampage in zoomed public and media glare. Is anarchy yet to embrace this country. KEEP THINKING !
1 comment:
Well said, keep it up
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